Hi beautiful, thank you for being here, it’s so lovely to connect with you, I’m Sarah.

A couple of years ago I had a big wake up call. I was struggling with multiple auto immune diseases, endometriosis and got diagnosed with pre cervical cancer. I was out of flow with life, feeling frustrated, lonely, empty, unsatisfied, over weight and not worthy of my dreams. I believe these diseases formed in my body because of the thoughts I was thinking and how I was feeling. I was extremely unhappy, searching for love and validation, craving pleasure and joy in my life and deep down I hated the person I was.

What I wanted so desperately was to feel loved, to experience deep pleasure, joy and to feel valued. The truth beyond everything else was that I was denying myself the love and appreciation I so desperately craved. I was scared of being alone and this lead me to stay in a relationship and job where I wasn’t honouring myself, my needs, my wants and my desires. I wasn’t standing up for what truly mattered to me and it was slowly draining the life out of me.

Hypnosis has allowed me to learn how to live my life in alignment with what I value most and take my power back. I stopped playing the victim, started paying attention to the stories I was telling myself. I took 100% responsibility for my life and started putting myself first. By changing the stories I was telling myself and shifting the limited beliefs I had I can honestly say that I deeply love myself and know I am worthy of everything I desire. I had to put in the work because no one was going to do it for me and this new belief was life changing.

I let go of control and began to trust the universe, focusing on living in the present moment and now I wake up everyday with a deep sense of love and gratitude in my heart, focused on living my life to the fullest and doing what lights up my soul every single day. Learning to let go and embrace all of myself has been the greatest gift, it was challenging, there were many tears and hard times and there still is, this is part of life, part of being human. I have never felt more alive and happy in my own skin and it is my deep calling to guide people how to love and own who they are, to show up unapologetically, stand in your truth and live in alignment with what you value most.

Let me guide you back to your true self, to let go of your old stories, the stories which are holding you back from having the life you truly desire and being true to who you really are because let’s be honest it’s exhausting. It’s time to reignite the fire within you because the stories we tell ourselves creates our reality.

It starts with one decision, the decision to show up no matter what, to take 100% responsibility to change the story because nothing has meaning except the meaning we give it. Deciding you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are enough and you are deserving of everything you desire, is how to change your life, hypnosis allows us to go back to the past where these beliefs were created and shift them, to shift and transmute the energy in our body to feel more empowered. I would love to chat if this resonates and you feel called I would love to connect, lets book a free 30 minute connection call.

We don’t get what we want in life without asking for it and going after it, without making the effort and doing the work.

Every single day is an opportunity to show up, I choose to be at cause with my life and to do the work no matter what. I use to suppress my emotions and shut down which led to depression and anxiety and once I learnt how to express my emotions in a healthy way things began to change.

Once I unpacked and worked through the unhealthy and self sabotaging patterns and behaviours that I was running I was finally able to love and accept myself and this changed my life. Becoming conscious on our unconscious thoughts is how we become a master of our life.

I use to think I was crazy with the thoughts I would think in my head until I saw I wasn’t alone and how many other people out there are feeling anxious and depressed because of the words they are telling themselves, these words that are stopping us from taking action because we are stuck in our head. This was the beginning of a massive mission to help people change their thoughts at the unconscious level, to get out of our heads and live life from our hearts, to be more present and above everything else feel love and gratitude to create the life we truly desire.

My dream is to help as many people create a life they love to live and to create more pleasure, happiness and joy in our lives than we ever thought possible. If you are ready to do the work and want to live your most fulfilling life then let’s connect.

I am here to grow and evolve and my mission is to share my knowledge and wisdom with the world, below is a list of my formal qualifications and certifications to date, there are some more in the works because growth is one of my highest values in life.

Advanced Hypnotherapist - Clinical, Pain Specialist & Conversational Hypnotherapy

Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Timeline Therapy

Reiki II Practitioner

Insight Timer Meditation Teacher

Certificate IV in Fitness & Pilates Matwork

Certificate in Reformer Pilates

Certificate in Vinyasa Yoga

Certificate in Sport Massage

Advanced Postural Analysis & Exercise Prescription

CPR Certified

Podcast Interviews

Self Love Ignited with Katie Allen

Relaunch My Life with Juliet Lever

An Ode to Lifes Extraordinary Fuck Ups
with Hayley Elliss


I only align myself with businesses I love, buy from and use. Click on the images to visit the websites.

Tribal Moon Cacao & Blue Lotus Flowers

Referral Link: Study & SAVE on trainings

Use Code FLEETWOOD for 10% off

Shop Essential Oils and Products

If you have questions on any of the products or services above please send me a direct message, I would love to chat more about helping you implement these incredible products and or programs into your life.